Opening a new window or app for glasses
Opening a new window from Main Launcher
Tap the Main Launcher display button on the control screen of the MiRZA app.
The screenshot above is a screen when [Controller] is selected, but the Main Launcher display button is also located on the same position when [Touch pad] is selected.
Main Launcher appears.
Tap an app or bookmark icon in [Favorite] or [Recently Added].
A new window is opened.
Opening a new window from the task bar
Point the ray (beam) at the task bar.
The task bar is maximized.
Tap an app or bookmark icon.
A new window is opened.
Opening a new window from the App List
Tap the Main Launcher display button on the control screen of the MiRZA app.
The screenshot above is a screen when [Controller] is selected, but the Main Launcher display button is also located on the same position when [Touch pad] is selected.
Main Launcher appears.
Tap the App List icon.
The app or bookmark list appears by category.
Tap an app or bookmark icon.
A new window is opened.
When you tap an icon in [Apps for Glasses] (other than the Tutorial, Browser, and Camera icon), you will exit the MiRZA app and then a screen of the selected app appears. The confirmation dialog appears if the app is not optimized for this product. Check the content of the dialog and tap [Launch App]. For detailed operations, refer to the help guide of the app that you selected.
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